Complimentary Membership Resource Library
BundleFree Resource Library for Complimentary Membership
Soul Connector Membership Resource Library
BundleFor entrepreneurs looking for a supportive professional community of like-minded business owners to expand both personally and professionally in our many member-led micro-communities.
Basic Membership Resource Library
BundleFor budding soul-preneurs with an abundant mindset wanting a supportive community of mentors to elevate your business, keep you going, cheer you on, hold you accountable, provide resources, and inspire you to aim higher.
Soul-Proprietor Membership Resource Library
BundleFor high-performance, soul-preneurs building 6 and 7-figure businesses who want to be a part of a global mastermind. We build and scale the business of their dreams while experiencing personal growth and professional expansion.
CourseWe're not just networking, We Build [soul-centered] Businesses! Test drive membership before making the financial commitment. Get a sneak-peek into our exclusive member programs and proprietary videos. Way more than a full month of learning.